Work - Part 4

Scripture Reading - Proverbs 31:30-31 Bible in Basic English (BBE)

30 Fair looks are a deceit, and a beautiful form is of no value; but a woman who has the fear of the Lord is to be praised.
31 Give her credit for what her hands have made: let her be praised by her works in the public place.

Greetings fellow believer in the Mighty Name of Jesus today’s lesson will continue to focus on “Work”. In the lesson “Work - Part 1” we focused on “work” being God’s idea and God’s Will for all mankind. It is said that it is so much God’s idea that we will continue our “work” in heaven that we started upon the earth. In the lesson “Work – Part 2” we looked at God blessing all different types of work whether you consider yourself blue collar, pink collar or white collar worker. God equally blesses working with your hands while at the same time you are working with your mind also, we think while we “work” about our jobs and other workers. In the lesson “Work – Part 3” we taught on not trying to land the God ordained perfect job first because if you’re like most others it will take years for you to work in the perfect job God created you for. Remember patience is a godly virtue so be patient for your perfect job. In this lesson “Work – Part 4” we will look into the occupation of “housewife” or “house woman” if unmarried. This subject is very deceiving so we thought we should cover this one independently from other occupations which are too numerous to mention. The reason we said this particular occupation is deceptive is because many think of today’s “housewife’s” as taking an easy job. The people with worldly thinking surmise that those who stay at home to raise children and care for their husband are not making any money to contribute to the many family expenses. They believe that the more you make the better lifestyle the whole family can live. This sounds good rationally but it is a very dim view about what it actually takes to be a “housewife” or “house woman”. We (ihlcc) know many people are ignorant about this position so we will expound on some of the duties of a true “housewife or house woman” indeed. First, the good Christian home maker starts off with God. She opens her day with prayer and praise because she knows that God has to help her make the right decisions for each day. She starts off her day with conversations with God’s Word to be sure she has some life giving substance to share with those in her house who might need a good encouraging word before they go off to school or work this is “her spiritual work”. Yes, she immediately looks to put others first by planning and preparing for whatever foods are necessary to feed her family that day. Yes, she dresses the little ones or monitors the apparel of her children (and spouse if married) before they leave the house. Yes, at times she personally wears the hat of bus shuttle to deliver certain people to their school or job. She measures her thoughts and carefully chooses which words to say to her beloved family as a part of “her mental work”. The “Good (Godly) housewife” will not tolerate anger and strife in the family, no she will “work” relentlessly to find the root of the problem and pull it out of the house to remedy the situation. Her thoughts are constantly upon each member of her family so no one is left uncared for. Her work starts early in the day because she has a constant routine that affects (touches) everyone in the house. It is because of her diligence that the ship sails softly, smoothly and soundly. Yes, even after her family is settled and accounted for in the morning she still needs to venture farther into the day by checking on the lunch needs of her family. Yes, we know of certain “good housewives” and “good house women” who will take a warm custom lunch to their child or husband for no other reason than they thought it would bless them as a part of her “physical work”. Yes, if one of her family members is in need she runs to the rescue without being called twice. How does she know something is wrong because she reaches out to everyone in her household to see and hear how they are doing? Upon finishing lunch time services she takes on cleaning and caring for her house. This can take hours of hands on labor depending upon her schedule and her self-given assignments. Cleaning is not a science to her but rather an art because it must be cleaned right and orderly in presentation to pass her keen eye of inspection. She not only cleans the major rooms where she entertains her family guests (yes, she treats her family as important people) but she also lingers into each room of her family members to see if their room is in need of cleaning too. Yes, bedrooms, bathrooms, the family room and kitchen are all work assignments noted on her list of “physical work” done unto the Lord Jesus. This art of cleaning doesn’t stop with the inside of the house but the outside of the house is just as important to her. She wants her house to look like a well-watered garden so the manicure of the lawn is not accidental but rather planned for with purpose. Not only does she retrieve the mail but she also gathers it for each person separately and reminds them to check their personal mail as soon as they come home. This is only some of her duties before she starts preparing for dinner. Cooking, cleaning, communicating, caring, courage, coping and Christianity are the seven “C’s” (seven sea’s) of the godly leader and “house worker”. She doesn’t just live in the house as a resident but she does create the beauty of the house by strategically placing her touch-ups to make the whole appearance better. She prepares excellent dinners for her family and she consistently is the last to be served after she ministers to everyone else. If something needs to be cleaned she volunteers as the cleaner. If someone wants a drink, she finds the glass (or cup) fills it up and brings right to the person in need without looking for praise or even a thank you in return. Next she makes sure everyone is well fed so she can examine the state of their soul, if all is well with each family member she is well too. She monitors the love atmosphere of her home and like a thermostat she adds peace and joy to make her home feel warm and welcoming when things are too frosty. If even one member is hurting she hurts with them and takes the appropriate actions to mend the hurting heart. This is her way of showing real love and her compassion never fails. This is her life this is her calling, yes, this is her peace. Fulfilling this calling everyday all day long is her service unto God and man. She is not intoxicated with money because she believes the cost of just one soul is valued by the Blood of Jesus. So to those naysayers who think it is easy “work” we simply say all “work” sounds easy when your talking about someone else doing it but only those who serve others spiritually, mentally and physically truly know just how exhausting it can be. Moreover, without God’s Grace, Strength and Wisdom the average woman will not prosper as a “house worker” simply because serving others must be done with the motive of genuine love for the other person and in today’s world most people just don’t have enough love to constantly and consistently care for others outside of themselves. However, the more you love Jesus Christ the more you will make room in your heart to affectingly love and serve the special people God puts in your life, namely your very own family. The “Good Homemaker” will rise up early seeking God’s Solutions while those without God will stay up late worrying looking for any solutions. The problems of life come to us all but the wise “house worker” has the right solution according to God’s Word which helps her to know The Way, The Truth and The Light. Amen!